Downstream positive market for n-butanal in May, rising trend

According to the market analysis system of Business Society, the market for n-butanal rose in May. As of May 27th, the price of n-butanal was 7986 yuan/ton, an increase of 0.93% compared to the beginning of the month at 7912 yuan/ton.


Upstream end: Propylene upstream of butyraldehyde fluctuated within the month, with the market opening high and closing low. At the beginning of the month, continuing the upward trend of the previous month, the price of propylene slightly increased, and the price of n-butanal also rose accordingly. Subsequently, due to the relatively high price of propylene, downstream market entry enthusiasm decreased, and enterprises had difficulty selling goods, leading to a decrease in propylene prices. On the 22nd and 23rd, the downstream receiving capacity further weakened, and the price of propylene fell significantly, with a two-day drop of 200 yuan/ton.


Downstream end:


In early May, the overall supply inventory of downstream n-butanol factories was low, and the pressure on the supply side of n-butanol factories was relatively small. The supply side supported the gradual increase of n-butanol market prices. In the latter half of the year, the trading atmosphere in the n-butanol market in Shandong region has weakened, and the downstream demand for n-butanol is average, resulting in an overall lack of selling compared to the previous period. The pace of shipments from the main factories of n-butanol has slowed down, and the overall market price has slightly adjusted downwards, with an adjustment of around 100 yuan/ton. Overall, the n-butanol market showed an upward trend within the month, rising by 3.29%.


At the beginning of the month, the price of downstream trimethylolpropane of n-butanal experienced a wave of increase. However, after a period of market adjustment, the price has gradually stabilized, and the demand for trimethylolpropane in downstream industries continues to remain strong. Some trimethylolpropane manufacturers are still scheduling shipments, and it is expected that the market for trimethylolpropane will remain stable and strong in the short term.


Business Society’s butyraldehyde data analyst believes that the growth in downstream demand provides positive support for butyraldehyde, and it is expected that butyraldehyde will fluctuate upwards in the short term. Specific attention still needs to be paid to the upstream and downstream situation.

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