Supply and demand support, n-butanol market welcomes another upward trend

According to monitoring data from Business Society, as of December 18, 2023, the reference price of n-butanol in Shandong Province, China was 8733 yuan/ton. Compared with December 12 (reference price of n-butanol was 8433 yuan/ton), the price increased by 267 yuan/ton, an increase of 3.56%. Compared with December 1st (reference price of n-butanol at 7766 yuan/ton), the price has increased by 967 yuan/ton, an increase of 12.02%.


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From the monitoring chart of Business Society data, it can be seen that in the recent period (12.12-12.18), the domestic market for n-butanol in Shandong region has shown an upward trend. In early December, with the support of both supply and demand, the n-butanol market saw a broad upward trend. Subsequently, after downstream demand calmed down, the market for n-butanol fell back from a high level. Starting from December 12th, the n-butanol market has seen another upward trend, with the market’s focus constantly moving towards high levels. As of December 18th, the price of n-butanol in the domestic Shandong region has been around 8700-8800 yuan/ton, with an increase of over 3% in seven days.


Analysis of factors supporting the upward trend of n-butanol market:


In terms of supply: Recently, some regions in China have temporarily shut down their n-butanol plants for maintenance, leading to a reduction in expected supply within the n-butanol plant. The pressure on the supply side is relatively low, and the supply side provides support for the n-butanol market.


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In terms of demand: Recently, due to weather and other factors, logistics and transportation conditions in some regions of China have been restricted, and some downstream regions have started early stocking. Downstream demand circulation has improved, and the demand side has boosted the n-butanol market.


Future analysis


At present, the trading atmosphere of n-butanol on the exchange is still good, and the mentality of the operators is good. The inquiry atmosphere on the exchange is mild. The n-butanol data analyst of Business Society believes that in the short term, the domestic n-butanol market in Shandong region will mostly operate steadily with a strong bias, and the specific trend still needs to pay more attention to the changes in supply and demand.

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